Our beautiful Family

Our beautiful Family

Monday, February 21, 2011

So here we are still on cloud nine! Ella continues to mesmerize everyone that comes into contact with her! Her smile, her laugh, her facial expressions just pull everyone in! :)

Ella is doing so so well in school! She continues to learn so many new things! She watches the other kids and is learning so much from them! We had a few warmer days and she went out and played in the snow! She LOVED it! She didn't want to go in! She has wrapped her big brothers around her tiny finger! They love to hug and kiss her and play with her! It's so sweet to watch and it makes momma's heart glow!!

Since we were in China I have had a concern about Ella's tonsils/adenoids. She snored like a grown man and has some difficulty with gagging with certain foods! Well we went to the doctor and my concerns were validated! Ella's tonsils are so big they are almost touching! So we now have an appointment coming up with an ENT doctor to talk about taking them out! I pray it will be an easy process and that she will do well! In the end it will be better...just hate that she won't fully understand and she will be afraid! That breaks my heart!! :(

On a happy note Ed took the boys snowmobiling up in northern Maine and so Ella and mom decided to head to our home in North Carolina to escape the snow! We went to the beach today! Although it was windy..Ella loved playing in the sand! I can't wait for warmer weather until she can fully enjoy the beach! We went to the park and had a blast! So nice to be able to be outside! I am enjoying my time here in NC with her! The rocking chair that was in the boys rooms when they were younger is now here in our NC home! I have so loved rocking her the last two nights! I think she loves it too!

Growing up I had such a rough childhood and I always wanted that mother/daughter relationship! I never had that! I love love love my boys and have been blessed with an amazingly loving husband! I now...by the grace of god...have that relationship that a mother and daughter should have! I am in awe over this little angel that has just captured my heart!

I know that the lord doesn't always answer all our prayers! I have always trusted in him but I can't lie that there have been times I have questioned him! The old sayings..."have faith"...and "be patient , good things happen to those who wait!"....they are TRUE! My prayers have all been answered in the lords time! He had a plan for my life and it was my faith in him that made me continue to move forward!

I sit here such a happy mom, wife and woman! I have been blessed with the best family, friends and life!

Praise the lord...he is great!

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