Our beautiful Family

Our beautiful Family

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Today we celebrate the addition of our daughter.......

Today we are having a big party to indroduce our daughter to our family and friends. We have about 120 people coming and it should be a great time. We are still amazed at her and how seamless the transition has gone....I hope I didnt jink us!! :) Ella is the happiest little girl and that makes Ed and I the happiest mommy and daddy. She is learning new words each day as well as new dance moves....this little girl loves to move!! Evan taught her how to play air hockey and light brite the other night...she just loves him. Edward continues to be smitten with her as well. She attracts attention where ever we go because she is just so darn cute. At Evans music concert the other night, she was mesmerized by the kids on stage and the music....I guess music has no barriers!!

As we prepare for a wonderful celebration we continue to be thankful to this gift the we have been given. She truly is miraculous!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck-hope all goes well. I'm sure your guests will be smitten with her too.

