Our beautiful Family

Our beautiful Family

Monday, January 3, 2011

Well today our lives should be able to return to some sort of normalcy...kids gfi back to school!  Ella will be with mommy and we will go visit Ella's new school!  We arent sure of when she will start and how she will do!  She is quite attached to me!  I am hoping the school will see the whole picture that she has had her world uprooted and she isn't just a child who is attached to her mom.  She had a crying fit with Ed Saturday night when I ran to the store real quick!  It makes me sad to think of the anxiety she must have!  Ed was frustrated that he couldn't soothe her!  All of these adjustments are difficult!  But with that being said....she is doing fabulous! She is happy and thriving! 

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if it's a preschool or "real" school that she's going to, but our son went first to a daycare center for six months, then to kindergarten. He sobbed for the first day at daycare and again for some of the second. He went with our oldest daughter and her two sons (our daughter is assistant director of the daycare) so we didn't expect that much of a trauma for him, but once he realized that there was a schedule and that he could mark the time that Mommy would come (after nap) he was okay. Then he went on to first grade. That was easier, but he would not ride the bus until February of that year, even though the guidance counselor rode it with him to show him the route and how he could get home from school, and even though staff volunteered to do this for several days or weeks if necessary. He did have some well-meant reassurances from his teacher that I had to correct (she told him that Mommies always come back-they didn't in his experience, though), but she and the other members of the school worked hard to help him with that transition. He probably went to the guidance counselor's office for the first week in the morning until he could get his nerve up enough to go into the classroom-she would walk him there and stay a little while with him. So it may not happen right away, and it may not be smooth, but it will probably be alright.

    My best,
