Our beautiful Family

Our beautiful Family

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Still in Nanchang....

Well....we are STILL in Nanchang....mother nature decided to dump a pile of snow here in China.  We spent the day in the airport.  We knew we most likely wouldnt fly out....but for some crazy reason we had to stay there until the "official" word came.  So we left all our luggage at the airport....and got on a bus stuffed like sardines with a bunch of china men that love to smoke and the airline sent us to a 2 star skanky hotel.  So our guide ( who is awesome by the way) got us back to our original hotel the galactic.  We are safe and that is all that counts.....but we are soooooo tired.  I am sure we will all sleep well. 
Ella did pretty well on our adventure today.....a couple of little testing moments.....but thats to be expected.  She all in all did well!!
Please pray that we are able to move on to Guangzhou tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the smoke! Our first day in Beijing we had a driver whose van was filled with smoke and I was sick to my stomach three times in about two hours of traveling. After that we had a different van and different driver and they let me ride in the front seat! I can just imagine your shanky two star-God is definitely watching out for you by giving you such a helpful guide :-)
